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Rahul Panchal -
Louisville, KY

Rahul Panchal is currently not involved in any Activities.

Walk Green 2017 in Robbinsville, NJ

Ended  8 years ago
Jun 4, 2017

BAPS Charities Walk Green 2017 in Robbinsville, NJ is an event to raise funds for The Nature Conservancy, Robbinsville Police, Sharon  School Green Team, and other charitable activities organized by BAPS Charities. This year, BAPS Charities will support The Nature Conservancy’s...

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{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

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{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
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{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
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The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. Aided by hundreds of staff scientists, they pursue non confrontational, pragmatic solutions to environmental challenges.

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Plant a Billion Trees

Plant a Billion Trees

Plant a Billion Trees is one of The Nature Conservancy's flagship programs. Over the next few years, the Conservancy will work to plant one billion trees in an effort to restore and replant over 1.6 billion acres of natural space. Trees are a critical part of the environment, and essential to producing clean air and water for millions of people in North America.

Learn more:

Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities Initiative

Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities Initiative

The Nature Conservancy’s Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities initiative seeks to protect the health of our nation’s trees, forests, and communities by creating a culture of stewardship that engages people in the planting and care of urban trees.

Learn more:

Robbinsville Police

Robbinsville Police

Robbinsville Township Police Department is dedicated to the safety and well-being of the residents of Robbinsville. Serving with the motto of Honor, Integrity, Respect, and Pride since 1859, the police strives to serve in a manner to improve the quality of life for all.

Learn more:

Robbinsville High School Green Team

Robbinsville High School Green Team

The Robbinsville High School Green Team supports the Robbinsville Township’s initiative to protect the environment. With its mantra of Purge (The Pollution), Protect (What is Clean) and Prevent (Further Pollution Through Education), Robbinsville recognizes the need to shape the landscape, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink in a way that protects the integrity of the natural environment.