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Shirish Patil -
Austin, TX

Shirish Patil is currently not involved in any Activities.

In The Joy Of Others: Walk-Run 2024 in Austin, TX

Ended  5 months ago
Jun 1, 2024
Saturday 8am to 12noon

#SpiritOfService | #JoyOfOthersWalk    Join us at the BAPS Charities Walk | Run! This annual event is more than a gathering; it’s a platform to unite for the greater good and make a lasting impact. By...

Activity Details

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My Target: {{ data.goalAmountFormatted }} {{ data.currency_code }}

{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

My Activity Progress

{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
No Goal has been set for this Activity.
{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
Entries will be available when the Event has started on {{ option.date_start_formatted }}. Please refresh the page after the start time

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Central Texas Food Bank

Central Texas Food Bank

The Central Texas Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief charity in Central Texas. We work with food donors across the country, financial supporters and volunteers to fill unmet needs in Central Texas. This commitment from private, government and charitable partners has allowed us to bring nearly 54 million meals to our community last year and into the hands of families and local nonprofits that turn to us for help.

Learn more:

  Raised so far   $2,283.00 USD fund-raisers
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