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Manav V Patel -
Melbourne, VIC

Manav V Patel is currently not involved in any Activities.

In the Joy of Others Walk | Run 2024 – Melbourne

Ended  6 months ago
Apr 27, 2024
Fundraising Period: 3 March till 27 April, 2024
Event Date: Saturday 27 April, from 9am onwards.

The participation by you and your family as walkers and fundraisers will provide critical support to BAPS Charities so that we may continue providing charitable and humanitarian services in your community and communities in Australia....

Activity Details

My Fundraising Goals

My Target: {{ data.goalAmountFormatted }} {{ data.currency_code }}

{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

My Activity Progress

{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
No Goal has been set for this Activity.
{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
Entries will be available when the Event has started on {{ option.date_start_formatted }}. Please refresh the page after the start time

My Supporters

Name Pledge Amount Comments Date
Manav Patel AU$10.00 AUD Mar 14, 2024

  Raised so far   AU$970.00 AUD fund-raisers

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