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Jignesh Patel -
Lansdale, PA

In The Joy Of Others: Walk-Run 2022 in Lansdale, PA

Ended  3 years ago
Jun 18, 2022
Saturday 9 AM - Noon

#BAPSCharities | #JoyofOthersWalk  Be a part of our annual In the Joy Of Others Walk | Run! The participation by you and your family as walkers and fundraisers will provide critical support to BAPS Charities...

Activity Details

My Fundraising Goals

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My Target: {{ data.goalAmountFormatted }} {{ data.currency_code }}

{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

My Activity Progress

{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
No Goal has been set for this Activity.
{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
Entries will be available when the Event has started on {{ option.date_start_formatted }}. Please refresh the page after the start time

My Supporters

Name Pledge Amount Comments Date
Jatin Patel $50.00 USD May 31, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 USD Mar 13, 2022


Susan G Komen

Susan G Komen

Susan G. Komen® is the world’s leading nonprofit breast cancer organization, working to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Komen has an unmatched, comprehensive 360-degree approach to fighting this disease across all fronts and supporting millions of people in the U.S. and in countries worldwide. We advocate for patients, drive research breakthroughs, improve access to high-quality care, offer direct patient support and empower people with trustworthy information. Founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life, Komen remains committed to supporting those affected by breast cancer today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures. Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social media at

Learn more:

Garden Of Health

Garden Of Health

Our mission is to provide healthy, safe food for low-income families, including those with dietary restrictions, in Montgomery and Bucks Counties! You won’t find ultra-processed, high sodium, fat-laden foods here. At Garden of Health Inc., we serve real food and food that is safe for all. Founded in 2015, we source fresh produce and foods free of the top eight allergens and distribute to food pantries, low-income senior housing and community groups in Montgomery and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania. As our community continues to be affected by COVID-19, we know that many people may be struggling. We are here to help with food assistance above and beyond our typical delivery methods

Learn more: