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Jayant Patel -
Boston, MA

Jayant Patel is currently not involved in any Activities.

Walk 2015 in Boston, MA

Ended  10 years ago
Jun 20, 2015

Every year, BAPS Charities organizes Walkathons throughout North America. BAPS Charities Walkathon in Boston, MA is an event to raise funds for Merrimack Valley Food Bank and other charitable activities organized by BAPS Charities. Please participate in the Walk...

Activity Details

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My Target: {{ data.goalAmountFormatted }} {{ data.currency_code }}

{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

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{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
No Goal has been set for this Activity.
{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
Entries will be available when the Event has started on {{ option.date_start_formatted }}. Please refresh the page after the start time

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Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Inc.

Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Inc.

"The focus of the Merrimack Valley Food Bank is to help meet a person’s most profound need — adequate nutrition and freedom from hunger. Only through cooperative efforts can society initiate change develop strategies to alleviate hunger and work toward the well being of all people. It is a basic human need to have adequate access to an environment conducive to well-being, which includes food, shelter and clothing. For most of us, food is readily available at nearby stores. The ease with which food can be acquired can make us take for granted how vital food is to our well-being."

Learn more: