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Fenil Manani -
Portland, OR

Fenil Manani is currently not involved in any Activities.

In The Joy Of Others: Walk-Run 2024 in Portland, OR

Ended  5 months ago
Jun 8, 2024
Saturday 11am - 4pm

#SpiritOfService | #JoyOfOthersWalk    Join us at the BAPS Charities Walk | Run! This annual event is more than a gathering; it’s a platform to unite for the greater good and make a lasting impact. By...

Activity Details

My Fundraising Goals

My Target: {{ data.goalAmountFormatted }} {{ data.currency_code }}

{{ data.currency_symbol }} {{ data.goalTotalAmount }}

My Activity Progress

{{ option.title }}
{{ option.goal_total.toLocaleString() }}
{{ option.goal_formatted }} {{ option.goal_abbreviation || '' }}
No Goal has been set for this Activity.
{{ option.goal_label || 'Value' }}
Entries will be available when the Event has started on {{ option.date_start_formatted }}. Please refresh the page after the start time

My Supporters

Name Pledge Amount Comments Date
Anonymous $1,001.00 USD Jun 23, 2024
Anonymous $151.00 USD Jun 23, 2024
Anonymous $151.00 USD May 12, 2024
Anonymous $150.00 USD Apr 28, 2024
Anonymous $150.00 USD Apr 28, 2024
Ashok Patel $150.00 USD Apr 28, 2024
