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Health Awareness Lecture on 
Heart Disease in Savannah, GA

Claiming the lives of 23 people every day, heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Indiscriminate between males and females, heart disease is extremely prevalent in the South Asian community. By adding additional hereditary or environmentally induced factors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even physical inactivity and stress, the problem of heart disease becomes even more compounded.


In order increase awareness about heart disease, BAPS Charities hosted over 50 focused health lectures on the topic across North America on March 3, 2013. Prominent physicians in the community were invited to speak at these lectures and offered their insights for prevention. Some of their suggestions included making dietary changes, increasing physical activity and reminding all to be cognizant of their family’s medical history.

BAPS Charities hosts a number of such health awareness lectures focusing on various topics throughout the year. Additionally, through local health fairs, BAPS Charities provides numerous health services to members of the community, which are imperative in determining risk factors for not only heart disease, but also other prevalent health concerns. Through events like these, BAPS Charities is championing the efforts to promote healthier living throughout the community.