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In The Joy of Others: Walk-Run 2022 in Detroit, MI

In The Joy of Others: Walk-Run 2022 was organized by BAPS Charities in Detroit, MI on June 19, 2022, where over 275 participants came together to raise funds and support Susan G. Komen and their efforts to raise awareness and research treatments for breast cancer. In addition, BAPS Charities supported Canton Community Foundation.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the U.S. and around the world. Across all walks of life, women & even men, are affected by breast cancer directly or indirectly. Since its inception, Susan G. Komen has invested more than $2.9 billion in research, community health outreach, advocacy, and programs in over 60 countries. Walkers & runners were connected through their shared goal of supporting their local community and supporting the message of β€œIn the Joy of Others.”