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BAPS Charities Walk | Run 2025, Cincinnati, OH

Jun 1, 2025
Sunday 9 am to 1 pm
Registration Start: 9:00 AM

T. M. Berry International Friendship Park
1135 Riverside Dr,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

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  Raised so far   $10.00 USD fund-raisers
8 Registered
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#SpiritOfService | #BAPSCharitiesWalk 

Join us at our annual BAPS Charities Walk | Run! This annual event is more than a gathering; it’s a platform to unite for the greater good and make a lasting impact. By participating, you’re not only embracing a healthier lifestyle but also joining a community dedicated to the Spirit of Service and helping others.

Your involvement is crucial, and every step you take makes a difference.

Seize the chance to contribute to a brighter, happier world. Register today, bring your friends and family, and let’s stride towards positive change together!


Shop With A Cop Event - City Of Sharonville Police Department

Shop With A Cop Event - City Of Sharonville Police Department

Shop With A Cop Event Sharonville Police Department, with the assistance of the Sharonville Community Fund, wish to provide a memorable holiday season for children in our community that come from financially disadvantaged circumstances. Sharonville Police Officers achieve this goal with the Shop With A Cop event. Without this event, it is our fear that many of the children that are nominated to participate simply would not have the type of holiday season that we all want for our own children. The participating children are students at the two public elementary schools located in Sharonville. The teachers at these schools really know their students and do an excellent job of nominating kids that are truly in need. This event has grown over the years and last year, we were able to provide thirty one children with a wonderful experience! On the day of this event, each child is picked up by a police officer in a police cruiser. Each child’s family is provided bags of food, easy to prepare meals, hygiene products, winter hats and gloves etc. We then drive the kids to a chosen restaurant where the kids are treated to a large, warm breakfast. This breakfast creates an excellent opportunity for each child and the police officers to get to know each other. At breakfast, each child is given a T-shirt, on the back of which are the names of the businesses whose generous donations make this event possible. From there, the children are treated to a shopping spree with the police officers, where they are allowed to buy appropriate gifts for themselves, family members, etc. We also ensure that each child receives a new winter coat and a pair of shoes. Once the shopping is complete, the children are treated to an after party, complete with a pizza, games, gift wrapping, arts and crafts and many other festivities. This event is only possible thanks to the generous donations of local businesses and community members! Thanks to these donations, less fortunate children in our community can have a wonderful holiday experience and great memories are created! We, as police officers are also able to form positive relationships with these children and their families!

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