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Winter Food Collection for the Homeless, Luton, UK

BAPS Charities in Luton collected winter food for the homeless in December 2019, as part of an on-going commitment to serve the needy in the local community.

More than 100 cans of tinned food and a variety of packaged food were collected at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir on Crescent Road, and then deposited at Luton Foodbank, a local charity that aims to “eradicate food poverty in Luton and provide free, nutritionally balanced and culturally appropriate food to people in hardship or distress.”

Ferin Patel, a young volunteer for BAPS Charities, shared, “This year we planned a food drive to help those people in need of basic food. This made me realise the importance of supporting the local community and doing our best to help eradicate food poverty.”

To learn more about Luton Foodbank, please click here.

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