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Winter Warmer 2014

Ended 11 years ago

May 31, 2014 - Jun 30, 2014

BAPS Charities South Africa, in partnership with the Sohum Sanctuary Trust,  will be hosting its annual Winter Warmer drive during the months of May and June this year. Beneficiaries from Johannesburg, Lenasia, Cape Town and Durban will receive blankets, clothes, food parcels and hot meals in preparation for the upcoming winter months. This is the second consecutive year where the drive has been hosted concurrently in all the major cities in the country. A number of beneficiaries have been identified as recipients of this year’s drive.  We also invite you, your family and friends to join us to distribute these items.

Donations are welcome to help support this cause. For EFT donations, please use the following bank details:

Bank: Nedbank

Account Name: Sohum Sanctuary Trust

Account Number: 1903385865

Branch Code: 190342

Reference: YourName_WinterWarmer

Please use this reference to help us track your donation. If you wish to receive a receipt or a SARS Section 18a tax certificate, then please email us at [email protected]

The Sohum Sanctuary Trust is a registered NGO with Public Benefit Organisation status (PBO 930021937). We are fully compliant with SARS to issue s18A tax receipts for donations received.

Click here for information and images from our last year’s Winter Warmer event. If you wish to contact us to volunteer your support, or for information about this event, then please email us at: [email protected]


Johannesburg - Barcelona Informal Settlement (Daveyton, north of Benoni)

Johannesburg - Barcelona Informal Settlement (Daveyton, north of Benoni)

The Barcelona informal settlement accommodates over 1000 people who lack basic amenities such as running water, plumbing and electricity. BAPS Charities support this community on a monthly basis by providing bulk food items and medical services. Each year, the community receive blankets, clothing and food as part of our Winter Warmer project.

Johannesburg - Sparrow Village

Johannesburg - Sparrow Village

It is the mission of Sparrow Ministries to provide care and comfort to adults and children who have been infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Sparrow is both a Hospice for the terminally ill and a Children’s Home for those vulnerable children who have become homeless due to the death of one or both of their parents. Sparrow's ministry is one of health and hope.

Learn more:

Johannesburg - Johannesburg Institute of Social Services (JISS)

Johannesburg - Johannesburg Institute of Social Services (JISS)

The Johannesburg Institute of Social Services (JISS) is a child and family welfare institute that extends services to individuals, families and communities irrespective of race, gender or creed. JISS endeavours to deliver services that reflect the demographics of South Africa. Child and Family Care Units operate from the two JISS Centres in Mayfair (Johannesburg) and Lenasia. Social work services and community development/empowerment programmes including the complementary charity work of volunteers is delivered to the community from the two JISS Centres. Child abuse awareness and prevention programmes, an HIV/AIDS programme focusing on orphaned and vulnerable children as well as educare and outreach facilities in informal settlements are some of the community work programmes that JISS is involved in.

Learn more:

Lenasia - Ebenezer Hannah Home

Lenasia - Ebenezer Hannah Home

Ebenezer Hannah Home is a charitable organization catering for anybody that is destitute regardless of colour or creed. The Home is situated in the Deep South of the Greater Johannesburg, 2km away from the Grasmere Toll Plaza ( South Africa), and has always supported the surrounding areas. The home currently houses approximately 120 residents including children of all colour and creed. Ebenezer Hannah is divided into three Sections: A) The Destitute Old Age (without any Family members known), B) Orphan Children C) HIV / Aids Children The Home receives no Government subsidies and relies solely on the generosity of the public and private sector for their existence.

Lenasia - Phuthamahae Community Care Givers

Phuthamahae Community Care Givers (CCG) are a non-profit organisation situated in the informal settlement of Orange Farm. The organisation daily serves orphans, vulnerable children and child headed families with daily necessities and plays a role of a day care on a daily basis. The organisation is in desperate need of blankets, food parcels and clothing for the 300 children that they look after.

Durban - Mnini & Umgababa Settlements

In conjunction with the Red Cross, blankets and food will be distributed to approximately 200 residents of the Mnini and Umgababa settlements, in Amanzimtoti, south of Durban.

Cape Town - Zanokhanyo Children's Safety Home

Cape Town - Zanokhanyo Children's Safety Home

Zanokhanyo Children's Safety Home is located in Makhasa, Khayelitsha in Cape Town. Founded in 2005, by a unemployed community worker, who was troubled to see children living on the streets without food and shelter, she opened her heart and took the children into her home and began looking after them. Today, the home houses children between the ages of 6 and 20 and strives to mould their lives with care, love and guidance. Their mission is to provide a loving and caring environment for the children so that they can grow up to become responsible adults. Their vision is to create an safe and humane environment where children are provided access to education, sports, arts, cultural activities and importantly guided away from crime and drugs. Zanokhanyo does not receive financial support from Social Development. The home relies solely on donations from individuals and corporations.

Learn more:

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