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Donations to Holy Family Children’s Home – August 2018, Nakuru

BAPS Charities Nakuru conducted a charity event on 12th August, 2018 in memory of Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Donations of food and clothing items were made to the Holy Family Children’s Home, located in Barut Village, Nakuru. An affiliation of the Foundress of the Helpers of Mary (headquartered in Mumbai, India) .
The Children’s Home hosts approximately 110 children and cared for by Sister Ujwala, Sister Lizzie and Sister Meselech. BAPS Charities met with 27 children while the other 83 were away on vacation with their relatives, which is usually a practice of the institution so as to allow the kids to socialize with their families and associate with them.
During the visit, the children were overwhelmed by the volunteer’s presence to the extent that one of the children mentioned they were very happy to see them and were awaiting such visitors for a long time. They were very appreciative of the donations received.